''You’re alive. Do something. The directive in life, the moral imperative was so uncomplicated. It could be expressed in single words, not complete sentences. It sounded like this: Look. Listen.Choose. Act.”
Barbara Hall, A Summons to New Orleans, 2000
hey,have you ever been into something you caught to say ”this is something i really dont feel i can do”,if yes then once go through this lovely quote by Barbara Hall…I believe it happens with all of us at some or the other phases of our lives…it happens to a woman, when she wants to give bitrh to a child,but she is not sure-will she be able to be a good mother??…..then again it happens to a teacher what should he/she teach to his/her pupil-wheather it should be a theoritical and conventional approch or a practical one,that will help his/her pupil to deal with the life in its real form???….In every field with every person there comes numerous questions of this sort,sometimes of moral importence,sometimes professional…..so the point is how to deal with them?? As Barbara puts it ”THE DIRECTIVE ” in life….the simple method of getting a deduction of one’s persisting problem is not to leave it on time…(that is what most of us generally do,because we find it the simplest way to get rid of the issue…we forget that this is not the solution…) but to take it up as soon as possible…what we need to do is to just go INTO it and find out 1.what we want out of it?? 2.how to achieve the desired outcome………it is not that complicated as it seems ….the whole case is as simple as it will not take one to go far in his mental efforts…the need is there to filter one’s thoughts ,hold the facts and do not be bised ….now base the decision on these facts.most importent thing is to BE TRUE to yourself..sometimes the result/decision may not suit the desired outcome…but it does not mean the imperative failed…it reveals what was desired is not practically possible without actual changes in provided fact.